To all of those people who are planning on attending the July 15th-17th ceremony in Sebastopol and have not sent in their payment yet, this is a gentle reminder that the $250.00 per person fee is due by July 8th.
It is especially important for this ceremony that Rutury knows a week in advance who will be attending. Although sometimes participants are able to join in at the last minute and pay when they arrive, that is not the case here. With this Workshop/Ceremony he has to plan the ceremony ahead of time according to who will be there. We will not be able to accommodate you if we do not have your fee and commitment by July 8th. So if you are planning on being at the ceremony please send your check to: Indios Huichol PO Box 31898, Phoenix AZ 85046-1898
This ceremony is for anyone who is searching to enhance and deepen their spirituality, and will be guided by Rutury who is a traditional shaman or MaraAkame, which is the term that is used in the Wixarika tribe. We will be honoring the four year anniversary of Jaichima's passing, a rare ceremony that is performed only when a person has reached a high status and level of achievement. Jaichima was that and much more... We will be synchronizing our ceremonies with the Wixarika Elders from Rutury’s village who will be performing their rituals at the exact times we will be doing ours.
Feel free to bring your drums, rattles, spirit whistles and ceremonial attire! There is a meadow on the property where you can set up your tent if you are camping, or you can stay at a local hotel or residence. We will be emailing all the participants a plan for food arrangements closer to the event which will include a potluck schedule. Please be prepared for hot and cold weather, and also a visit to the beach. All participants must be present Friday July 15th no later than 2pm when there will be an explanation of what to expect over the weekend and an opening ceremony. Each one of you will be asked have a role holding one of the four elements as the ceremony begins. We will continue our ceremony throughout the weekend, ending on Sunday July 17 at noon. Please complete the registration form and mail it to Indios Huichol PO Box 31898 Phoenix AZ 85046. In order to participate; your check must be received no later than July, 8, 2016. Cost for the Ceremony is $250 per person. This fee does not include food. The location of the ceremony is at 885 Jonive Rd. Sebastopol, CA 95472. Please feel free to email us if you have any questions at [email protected] Pam Pa Dios, Indios Huichol …………………………………………...…………………………………………………… name______________________________________________________________ will there be other participants in your party? yes_____ no_____how many?______ names?_____________________________________________________________ will you be camping? yes________ no_______ total fee ($250 per person) ___________ Please complete the registration form and mail it to Indios Huichol PO Box 31898 Phoenix AZ 85046. In order to participate; your check must be received no later than July, 8, 2016. |
April 2019