The work we are doing could not continue without you. We are very grateful for your support and help. Every single prayer and donation is appreciated more than you can know. Thank you so very much for your support.
A note from Rutury: Que Tuma Aku. Greeting dear friends! When I was about 4 years old, my sister Jaichima gave me a gift that I would never forget. I remember the moment as if it was yesterday, the gift was a card she made herself and it was in the shape of a heart. Along with the card was a tiny pink bag that had 13 small turquoise stones. As I was admiring and feeling the stones in my little hands, she began to read what she had written, translating from English to Wixarika language, and she read, "A few years before you were born, in one of my Ceremonies I began to hear the sound of a soft melody. It was music that I had never heard before, and the more I listened to it the more soothing it became, healing my heart and soul. I stood up for a moment and I looked around, wondering where the music was coming from? There was nothing obvious and the silence around me was very still, it must have been around 3 or 4 am because the stars in the universe were in harmony and in ceremony. That’s when I knew your sacred human design had begun to take form and soon we would meet. My dear baby beautiful brother Rutury, I waited many years for your arrival and now that you are here teach me who you are, teach me who you are…." She then continued to say - "These 13 turquoise stones were given to me by our Grandfather, he said they would protect me from any harm and they have, and they would help me to see and walk in balance, and they have, and they would teach me about healing and they have, and when the time was proper the stones would tell me my time with them has come into a full circle and they have, now they are yours. The 13 turquoise stones work like our ceremonial items, they enhance our sacred human design healing us in the most sensitive and innocent way." Her words and energy were magical and I was elevated into a place that I have never been before. It was like I was in a transformation for many days nights. When I was about 7 years old I made the 13 turquoise stones into a necklace and wore them around my neck for many years, and each night before falling asleep I would whisper, teach me who you are, teach me who you are. In the same manner as the 13 turquoise stones, all Wixarika items have a purpose in your life, whether they live with you all the time in your home, or you are with them occasionally. The connection they have with you is deeper than you will ever know. The main purpose they have is to enhance your sacred human design and protect you from any negative harm, but also to remind you how precious and fragile life is and must never be taken for granted. Furthermore, if we allow ourselves to be open minded, the colors and symbols begin to work with us in a mysterious ways, putting the ego aside and enhancing your human sacred design. I am not saying they are magical and can manifest anything you wish; I am saying that they have a purpose in your life. Have you noticed that when you see Wixarika items something deep in you begins to move? One reason is that your inner sacred human design has found a calling and wants to be connected with that item. More than ever this is the time not to question yourself but to start experiencing something different, something unique, and perhaps it is the time to be learning from the Earth Keepers, the Wixarika Elders. Looking forward to being with you in our ceremonies, Pam Pa Dios RUTURY A note from Nahwi: June 4th Blessing Ceremony in Sebastopol First of all we have so many people to thank for their hard work at this Blessing Ceremony, and in doing so made it a very successful event. Llano Blue did a wonderful job at our sales table, with Sikima (Kay Caldwell) helping with sales & Elizabeth Harding helped to get it set up as did Haulipa (Jan Peterson). Ulima (Maria Gonzalez-Blue) put up one of her beautiful and special Altars. Kumuki (Linn Harding) and Elizabeth Harding handled the ticket sales. Kumuki, Mark Picone, Teku (Jeff McCaslin), Ura (Bruce Scotton), & Tuli (Edi Kausch) set up the room. Tutuli (Brit Kelly) took amazing photos. Marke Blue, Kumuki, Teku, Tuli, Tunaya (Jennifer Mann) & Haulipa did clean up with Kumuki & Haulipa taking the garbage to their house! If I have missed anyone I am very sorry, your work and energy is still very much appreciated. If you would like to see some of the photos please go to Indios Huichol Inc. Facebook page. From all reports the Ceremony went very well as did the couple of days of Sessions that Rutury offered. He was so happy to see everyone and to share this Ceremony with you. July 15th -17th Workshop/Ceremony There are a number of people who will not be attending the July 15th-17th weekend Ceremony for scheduling or personal reasons who have asked Rutury if they could come by to visit with the group on Friday evening at the beginning of our ceremony. He understands their desire to connect with him and with the people who will be there, and he hopes they can also understand that our ceremony begins on Friday, and this time and energy is reserved for workshop participants. We want them to feel welcomed and Rutury has invited them to visit with us if they can join the group on Sunday between noon and 3:00pm, after we conclude our ceremony. This way they can join us for lunch if they wish! We are getting closer and closer to this very important Workshop/Ceremony Honoring the 4th year of Jaichima’s passing. This is a reminder that Rutury needs to know who is attending at least week in advance: He has to do preparations and plans for this ceremony according to who will be there. Because of this we will not be able to accommodate you if we do not have your commitment and fee by July 8th at the very latest. In the past there have been times that participant could join in at the last minute and pay when they arrive. We are sorry to say that that is not the case here. Payments can be sent to Indios Huichol, PO Box 31898, Phoenix AZ 85046-1898, or you can contact me at [email protected] and we can arrange a phone call and I can take a credit card payment. That fee is $250.00 per participant. We will need all participants to be present on Friday July 15th, no later than 2:00 PM. I am putting the flyer information at the end of this Newsletter so you can have the pertinent information. Please see page 5 of this Newsletter. We have received no responses from 13 people who expressed a desire to attend. For those who have responded, we thank you so very much, we are so happy you will be joining us for this amazing Workshop/Ceremony. We will be sending out a note to the confirmed participants with the information about what you need to bring and what to expect from this Workshop once we have the final list of confirmed participants. This will go out around July 8th or 9th. If you have sent your payment and are unsure if it has been received please send an email to Nahwi and we will get back to you. Wirikuta Springs I have not taken any pictures of the house in some time. We have been waiting on permits & materials, and Rutury and Anaya have had several meetings with the contractor. All is good; it just takes time with permits. But I do see the outside walls just about ready for the stucco and the plumbing is done other than the fixtures. I am amazed at all it takes to re-do a building! I was told that things will be moving very quickly now…Can’t wait to see it! Will share with you all as soon as it gets moving! We had to drain the pond again. Cattails were not defeated in our last battle. And when Rutury drained the pond, the water went down very quickly…seems we still have a critter leak somewhere. It is frustrating, but now at least we can get to the new cattails quicker. Indios Huichol Inc. Facebook Our Facebook page is up and running! Please take a look and let us know if you have any suggestions. Website Please check it out at: The store is open for business as well. Please be aware items are shipped to one address and they are going USPS. We’re not charging for shipping at this time. All profits go to support the Wixarika (Huichol) people. Join us for a special Huichol (Wixarika) Ceremony Friday-Sunday July, 15th, 16th and 17th, 2016 in Sebastopol, CA. This ceremony is for anyone who is searching to enhance and deepen their spirituality, and will be guided by Rutury who is a traditional shaman or MaraAkame, which is the term that is used in the Wixarika tribe. We will be honoring the four year anniversary of Jaichima's passing, a rare ceremony that is performed only when a person has reached a high status and level of achievement. Jaichima was that and much more... We will be synchronizing our ceremonies with the Wixarika Elders from Rutury’s village who will be performing their rituals at the exact times we will be doing ours. Feel free to bring your drums, rattles, spirit whistles and ceremonial attire! There is a meadow on the property where you can set up your tent if you are camping, or you can stay at a local hotel or residence. We will be emailing all the participants a plan for food arrangements closer to the event which will include a potluck schedule. Please be prepared for hot and cold weather, and also a visit to the beach. All participants must be present Friday July 15th no later than 2pm when there will be an explanation of what to expect over the weekend and an opening ceremony. Each one of you will be asked have a role holding one of the four elements as the ceremony begins. We will continue our ceremony throughout the weekend, ending on Sunday July 17 at noon. Please complete the registration form and mail it to Indios Huichol PO Box 31898 Phoenix AZ 85046. In order to participate; your check must be received no later than July, 8, 2016. Cost for the Ceremony is $250 per person. This fee does not include food. The location of the ceremony is at 885 Jonive Rd. Sebastopol, CA 95472. Please feel free to email us if you have any questions at [email protected] Pam Pa Dios, Indios Huichol ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… name______________________________________________________________ will there be other participants in your party? yes_____ no_____how many?______ names?_____________________________________________________________ will you be camping? yes________ no_______ total fee ($250 per person) ___________ Please complete the registration form and mail it to Indios Huichol PO Box 31898 Phoenix AZ 85046. In order to participate; your check must be received no later than July, 8, 2016. You can also pay by credit card, please email events@indioshuichol with your phone # and we will call you to take care of the payment.
April 2019