Greetings Every One! The work we are doing could not continue without you. We are very grateful for your support and help. Every single prayer and donation is appreciated more than you can know. Thank you so very much for your support. A note from Rutury: Que Tuma Aku. Greetings Dear Friends, Tatewari, Grandfather Spirit. We open our hearts to your healing which brings us wisdom and knowledge from all corners of the Universe. In October Anaya and I traveled to attend the Bioneers Conference at the Marin Center in San Rafael California. Anaya had been there many times, like last year when she invited me to join her and I somehow had already made up an assumption about this conference, thinking it probably was good for others but it was definitely not for me. Plus emotionally at the time I was processing many things in life and was not feeling up for that kind of experience. So when the conversation came up this year and she extended the invitation once again, I surprised myself with the answer, that yes we would travel there to attend this gathering together, and also meet her daughter Stella there and another friend. I am glad I did because the 3 day event was beyond my expectation, what was shared was very inspiring information for all the attendees. The speakers and special guests not only brought awareness and knowledge combined with hope but also elevated positive energy to a higher level. No matter where you look you saw a radiant smile from every gender young or older, and above all it was genuine. The sense of community was everywhere you walked, plain and simple you were welcome. The last time I felt this kind of energy was in one of the healing ceremonies with my Huichol Wixarika Elders, where our gatherings are not to impress and no one is there to out shine one another. Our prayers, healing and ceremonies are authentic and organic, we gather with one goal in mind to talk about the climate change and how we can all help to make a difference. My Wixarika Elders have always encouraged me to hold gatherings like this at Wirikuta Springs, where people can come together from all walks of life to learn, share, be inspired and support one another in whatever way that is. I will do my best to attend the Bioneers Conference again next year. A few weeks from now everyone will be celebrating Thanksgiving Day and dinner, and some people will be traveling from a distance to be with parents and friends to celebrate the special occasion. My sincere blessings go out to all of you. However, with most Native people from all over the world Thanksgiving is honored differently. Some will be protesting for the atrocities that continue to this day to demean their culture. Others will be gathering voices from their Elders to bring them forward where they can be heard worldwide, and many will be holding ceremonies with offerings and prayers for world peace. In the Wixarika culture, we practice gratitude every night and morning, not just when things are perfect but also in moments of difficult times. Therefore when we pray, the duality of our lives is acknowledged as our intention is to bring balance to our world and in ourselves. When we take a moment to inhale and exhale the fresh clean air that is not polluted with any harsh chemicals, we say thank you to all living things and we vow to fight and protect the ecology of our lands, as we believe our world belongs to all of us and not to one person or one family. To everyone who knows me, with humbleness I say thank you for your love and support, I am also grateful to my ancestors and to be a part of this magnificent world, and will continue to practice what my parents taught me. Be at service, be helpful, and do it unconditionally. As we gather for Thanksgiving let us not just be grateful for our family and friends but also include in our prayers those who have no home or a place to go and celebrate Thanksgiving dinner. Light a candle for them as they need the warmth and light to keep their hopes alive. On another note, I’m looking forward to seeing some of you in a few days for our November pilgrimage and I’m also looking forward to welcoming everyone at our New Year’s ceremony. PamPaDios Looking forward to our next ceremony Love and Blessings Rutury Dia De Los Muertos at Tlaquepaque A note from Anaya As Rutury mentioned in his letter, we attended the Bioneers Conference this year and it was deeply inspiring in many ways. This conference has been a profound reminder of how powerful a real sense of community can be for me and for many, many others, and it has greatly enriched my life and also my daughter’s since we first started participating. The wealth of knowledge, wisdom, intention, and work being done by so many people around the world to heal our environment, our systems, and our relationships is astounding. What was shared in the lectures and discussions, art, music, workshops, and in the energy of being in a group of thousands of people in an elevated state of awareness was literally mind blowing. As in my mind was blown wide open, and my heart, and my soul. It was not unlike the best music festivals I’ve been to, tapping into that expansive sense of personal and collective openness, but geared more for scientists, organizers, environmentalists, and for anybody interested in understanding ways we can heal this planet and heal and/or fine tune our relationships with one another. Every year I go I am more and more amazed at the possibility and magnificence that is available to us as human beings, and the immense amount of love and wisdom that is being shared, especially at this most challenging and threatening time in our world’s very fragile state. The duality of what is happening at this moment in our culture as the many tribes we are as well as the collective Human Tribe, and in our environment, could not have been better expressed than by the many speakers and attendees at this conference. I encourage you all to check out their website, their podcasts, their radio station, their other events, and the next conference in October. I cannot express how meaningful an experience it is, and how many people I know who have said, “why didn’t I find out about this sooner? “ It is certainly one of the most profound ceremonies I have been a part of. Anaya A note from Nahwi I came across this quote a couple of weeks ago and it resonated within me. I keep going back to it and it still gives me pause and a moment of deep understanding. I do love Rumi’s writings but had not read this one before. Be a lamp or a lifeboat or a ladder. Help someone’s soul heal. Walk out of your house like a shepherd. Rumi PamPaDios Nahwi 2019 New Year Ceremony |
April 2019