Greetings Every One! The work we are doing could not continue without you. We are very grateful for your support and help. Every single prayer and donation is appreciated more than you can know. Thank you so very much for your support. Newsletter index: Page 1: Note from Rutury Page 2: Note from Nahwi Page 3: Upcoming Events Page 3: Misc notes A note from Rutury: Que Tuma Aku. Greetings Dear Friends, Tatewari Grandfather Spirit. We open our hearts to your healing which brings us wisdom and knowledge from all corners of the Universe. It’s hard to believe that on July 17, 2018 it will be 7 years since my dear sister Jaichima passed away peacefully in her sweet home. I will never forget that particular moment and day, when she called my name with a firm and commanding voice to come and assist her. She was ready and I was not, and by the time I came and stood next to her sofa bed she was already in deep ceremonial prayer, her eyes were looking somewhere beyond to a place that could not be explained in words. Her delicate body was in a state of grace and peace. I joined her in prayer but I was also battling my own emotions because even though I knew she was entering into another realm, my desires were to keep her for a longer time in this life as we had more work to complete. I guess you could say I was selfish but there were also other reasons, and even though I knew what I was thinking could not stop something that happens naturally to all living beings, my mind continued to be relentless at the same time being focused on the profound nature of what was happening. Jaichima paused her prayers to catch her breath and turned towards me to reach out and hold both of my hands. She was in silence and gave me the look that words were not to be spoken, however the moment she touched my hands I felt warm energy rushing throughout my body altering the flow of blood in my veins. I thought I had prepared for moments like this but never expected the magical happenings. I was amazed and mesmerized by her ability to have the strength as she proceeded to say, “Rutury, we have travelled together to so many places, we have bridged many cultures, and overcame obstacles, and faced death. I want you to know your presence brought healing, harmony and balance in everything I went through, and when I hit lows and went deep into a dark hole where I felt alone and thought no one would miss me if I did not survive, you stood vigilant to help me when I needed help and you supported me with no judgement. When life rewarded us with good accomplishments we celebrated with a ceremony honoring each other for who we are, and for enhancing our sacred human design”. Right at this moment my body and spirit was experiencing a life shifting change and I noticed I had been crying like a child all this time, and without interrupting the moment of flow I continued to hear my sister speak, “My dear Rutury, what I am saying is, my physical journey will be changing soon and where my spirit is headed to you cannot come. Stay here with my family and all my friends and I promise you I will be there with you, and no matter the circumstances keep the faith alive and keep on walking gently forward”. And like an innocent child she fell asleep again. I stayed by her side holding her hands and noticed her breathing rapidly started to change. She would squeeze my hands tight and let go, like sensing the ocean for the first time, should I go deep or not, is it safe or unsafe… definitely she was the only one who knew what was becoming, and after a few minutes she let out a big sigh and tenderly I could feel her soul departing her body. I felt a ripping tear in my heart and at the same time I heard the beautiful sounds of a recording that Anaya brought of Tibetan Bowls throughout the house. I felt the presence of my Wixarika Elders and could see a trail of light sage smoke leading towards the entrance of the Tuki. I don't know exactly how long I was frozen, I know it was a while before I could gather myself to start to plan the required ceremonies for my sister. Jaichima was my best and trusted friend, an impeccable teacher and down to earth sister, and she was the last member of my immediate family. I miss my sister Jaichima like the night misses the stars on a cloudy night. To everyone who receives this newsletter, thank you for taking the time to read my life journeys. They are delicate and personal, and in sharing them it is my wish to enhance and open your sacred human design to all possibilities. PamPaDios Looking forward to our next ceremony Love and Blessings Rutury A note from Nahwi: As Human Beings we each have a different view of the world. To a great extent that comes from our growing up in different environments or situations. Even siblings growing up in the same family see things differently. I remember a picture on my Grandmother’s wall. I loved that picture. It was from an old magazine cover that my grandmother framed and hung on her dining room wall. It was a snowy rural area and there was a Collie standing over a tiny lamb lying in the snow. The Collie had her nose straight up in the air and she was howling or barking…I saw this as her calling her human to come get the lamb. But my sister saw it as her mourning the death of the lamb. I still have that picture and I still feel hope in it. Why did my sister and I see it in such extremely different ways? Because as close as we are…because growing up in the same environment…we are still different Human Beings in every way possible. That is how Human Beings are made. We all individualize our experiences in a way that make sense of the world around us. Our perceptions and feelings are our own. Some people may have similar perceptions but they are never exactly the same. This makes acceptance of others difficult at times, especially if we have decided someone else is wrong. To have peaceful and constructive interactions with other Human Beings we need to find a way to understand where their perceptions and feelings are coming from…but how? How do we do that?! I think the first thing is to make an effort to not to assume you know them, their feelings or their convictions. It is too easy, and too common to assume that they are being difficult, stubborn, unreasonable, or misinformed. We get frustrated with people around us when they do not share our opinion or support us in our choices. We tend to forget that what we consider important is not where their priority lies…because they have different experiences, different perspectives and therefore different priorities. By reminding ourselves that everyone’s beliefs are a right, a fundamental right for all of us to determine our own paths…we go far in easing into a more balanced relationship. This allows us to hear more clearly where they are coming from. This allows us both to have our own perceptions while acknowledging other’s perceptions. We do not have to adopt their way of seeing…we just need to acknowledge it. Who knows perhaps we will both end up sharing more than we thought was possible and hey…might just learn a thing or two about them and ourselves. If we as individuals, groups or countries keep barriers up that keep us from connecting in a deeper more respectful way…we all lose. Upcoming Events: August 20-28, 2018 Rutury will be a part of the Wisdom Keepers of the Earth and Earth Constellations. This is immersion training on healing wisdom with Ron Young along with Pefemapeo Virginia Bordereau, Rhonda Pallas Downy, Phyllis Hogan, Dr. Hammed Ibraheem, Christina Niederkofler, & Ernie Northrop. If you are interested send a note to [email protected] and she will email you a PDF about Ron Young’s event. Miscellaneous Notes Any communications from Indios Huichol will be from Rutury, Anaya or Nahwi. If you receive communications from someone else claiming to be Indios Huichol or assisting Indios Huichol please contact us as soon as possible. Communications from Nahwi will be from: [email protected] Notice Regarding E-mail Addresses: Please be aware Indios Huichol Inc. considers your e-mail addresses to be private. Please be assured that we will not sell or share your information. We also want you to understand that all personal emails to Rutury are forwarded to him. Indios Huichol Inc. Facebook Our Facebook page is up and running! Please take a look and let us know if you have any suggestions. Website Please check it out at: The store is open for business as well. Please be aware items are shipped to one address and they are going USPS. We’re not charging for shipping at this time. All profits go to support the Wixarika (Huichol) people. Mailing address
April 2019