Greetings Every One! The work we are doing could not continue without you. We are very grateful for your support and help. Every single prayer and donation is appreciated more than you can know. Thank you so very much for your support. Newsletter index: Page 1: Note from Rutury Page 2: Note from Nahwi Page 3: Note from Anaya Page 4: Misc notes A note from Rutury: Que Tuma Aku. Greetings dear friends, Earlier this month we witnessed a spectacular total solar eclipse, where in some parts of the world it went dark for few minutes creating a mystic exchange of energy between the sun and the moon, and all of us on Earth were blessed by this great happening. Many tribes from all over the world were also waiting for this and prepared themselves with ceremonies to welcome this magical moment. In my Wixarika culture we honor such important events. We believe the solar eclipse opens a path creating an opportunity for all of us to humble ourselves in a time of reflection, when we can continue to trace the thread of life where everything is fragile, and we can consider the consequences of our choices and actions. Currently I am working with many emotions and I am being guided by my Wixarika Elders who have walked this path before me. This ceremony can be an opportunity to retire old patterns and awaken new ones for all of us, within ourselves and in our communities. The world is facing many challenges and we feel them deeply in our own ways. What the Elders say is that no matter who we are the time comes when we all face obstacles, and it is important not to react on impulse as this often leads us to use poor judgment. The eclipse reminds us of the duality in all of our lives and the balance which we strive for. These events can ground us and bring us closer to a deeper understanding of ourselves and our connections to one another. Our intentions can become clearer to hold this sacred space for each other in an unconditional way, with dignity and respect, for all of our healing and growth. PamPaDios Looking forward to our next ceremony Love and Blessings Rutury A note from Nahwi: It has been such a long journey at Wirikuta Springs with the pond! We have had to scrape the bottom of the pond again and now have been talking to people about what is needed at the bottom that will retain the water and yet be natural. Still work to do with clay type dirt to be applied. I am so frustrated; the pond is a central place for me at the Center. Many hours have been spent sitting by it in prayer and ceremony, having my lunch, visiting with its inhabitants, knitting…or sometimes just sitting and being. I miss it in ways that words cannot explain. Somehow even with all the work that has been done at Wirikuta Springs it is the lack of the pond that draws my attention the most. My attention and longing for its return. My husband, Kamu, will be laying rocks in the ditch that will become a more natural stream which will lead to the pond. This will replace the underground pipe where the water flowed before. This stream will have rocks lining it and up on the sides of it. It is his hope that he can fix some of the large flat stones along the edge so people can sit and put their feet in the cool clear water. This is a quick sketch he did for planning. As you can see there will be at least one small foot bridge. Really looking forward to seeing it being built and the water going though it to the pond! PamPaDios Nahwi Upcoming Events: |
April 2019