Greetings Every One! The work we are doing could not continue without you. We are very grateful for your support and help. Every single prayer and donation is appreciated more than you can know. Thank you so very much for your support. A note from Rutury Que Tuma Aku. Greetings Dear Friends, Tatewari, Grandfather Spirit. We open our hearts to your healing which brings us wisdom and knowledge from all corners of the Universe. As I mentioned in the March newsletter, Anaya and I had the privilege to travel again to Mexico and continue the healing ceremonies with my Wixarika tribe. While we were there we also were informed about the current situation regarding ongoing land disputes that have been escalating for years between Mexican ranchers and our tribal people. Not unlike in many other countries, the ranchers have been living for many years on land that they have basically claimed as their own as ‘settlers’. This land has traditionally been Wixarika tribal land and the people have been in a struggle to reclaim their ancestral lands back from the ranchers. During this process there have been many conflicts. The Huichol people have been intimidated, mocked, called unimaginable names, and have been violated and violently treated. Some tribal people who were outspoken have been beaten and some were murdered. These precious people put their lives in the line of fire and their names will forever be included in our daily prayers. Heated arguments and serious threats have been expressed from both sides, to the extent that local and state authorities were brought in to prevent any further violence. I was told about all of these happenings and I was reminded of how modern laws and the concept of land ownership have created so much conflict between Native people and ‘settlers’ and how both sides feel strongly about their rights. I encouraged my people not to return the bad behavior they were receiving from the ranchers but to try their best to find a peaceful solution as best as they could. I was told about this situation when I was in Tepic and a meeting was organized there where I met with a representative of the ranch owners as well as a number of respresentatives of a few of the Wixarika communities. My people wanted me to be present and let the ranchers know that there were people who were aware of this situation in the States and that they had outside help. I am happy to say that both sides have recently come to an agreement to at least reach out for the help of an independent mediator. The hopes are that the mediator will review all of the documents and hear both sides and be able to find a way to calm what has become a very hostile and dangerous situation. One problem is of course that my people have never had any documents to prove they own the land; they don’t even have that concept. They have been stewards of the land, and they have developed deep connections to it over many, many years. They do not want to be pushed out and off of their ancestral land any further. Eventually a peaceful solution has to be found and both sides have very different perspectives, which is very challenging. If you believe in prayers include us in your daily ceremonies After this meeting was over I was taken to another room. It was a dark room and the only lights I could see were candles being lit. Slowly my eyes adjusted and I could see a group of Wixarikas. I was in the room with the wisdom and knowledge cultivators, the Wixarika Elders. Everyone was sitting on the floor as they did not want to sit on chairs. I looked around and acknowledged everyone in silence and noticed they were masticating the sacred medicine plant and smoking sacred tobacco. The room was full of an herbal aroma and it felt right to be there with them. I could see in their faces a sadness as three members of their circle had died since the last time I saw them. In our culture when one is with Elders you don’t invite yourself to sit with them or start a conversation, you only engage with them when they initiate the conversation. I stood outside of their circle waiting for their invitation, meanwhile many emotions started to spiral in my stomach making me feel dizzy and weak throughout my body. I looked for a wall to lean on when suddenly I dropped to my knees and started to weep like a child. I wanted to control my emotion but could not stop something that was happening naturally. When I finally surrendered I heard the voices of my parents and my sister Jaichima. They were having a conversation about many things, just like they would in real life. What grabbed my attention was that they could not agree on what fruit trees to plant and where they should be. I surprised myself by saying out loud, “What do you mean you don't know what kind of fruit trees to plant and where?” That’s when one of the female Elders came over to tell me not to question them as I will dissipate what I was hearing. She was right because I tried to connect to that atmosphere again but it had vanished for the moment. I continued to be on my knees and a male Elder’s voice said, “Welcome RuturyTemay. We see you don’t travel alone as your family spirits are with you always. We understand they were all alive with you at one time and now they have all passed on and you must continue to carry their legacy. Keep rising no matter what obstacles are in your way. Honor them and share their visions with all the people you work with”. Then two female Elders of my tribe started to chant and pray, both taking turns whispering into my ears prayers and chants that I had never heard before. They continued to blow the smoke of sacred tobacco all over my body, casting away the shadow voices and stagnant energy that I had accumulated since my last ceremony with them. The smoke of the sacred tobacco was not only purifying but was also opening new gates for new beginnings. I sincerely felt like I was levitating because I could see all of us in that gathering from every angle of the room. Then one of the female Elders said, “Close your eyes and open your mouth”. Through a hollow bamboo she blew an herbal liquid into my mouth and continued to say “Before you swallow be with it”. What I felt on my tongue was bitter and hot like fire, and at the same time it had a flavor of light sweetness. I was told to swallow it delicately, and upon completing this ceremony I was given pieces of medicine plant, each piece from each Elder. Then everyone gathered to touch my face, hair, and clothing, and at that moment I thought they were just admiring my clothing but in reality they were doing a blessing ceremony and entrusting me to carry their essence and ceremony to be able to share with everyone. On another note, I understand a lot of people in our world celebrate Easter this month. No matter what you believe, let us pray for harmony and peace in our world. PamPaDios Looking forward to our next ceremony Love and Blessings Rutury Here are a couple of old photos that Rutury came across. Rutury and Jaichima Modern Shaman UPCOMING EVENTS MAY 17-19 WORK WEEKEND AND CEREMONY. We will be gathering again for what has become a wonderful tradition of joining forces on the land and sharing meals and ceremonies together for a work weekend. This is a free event and we appreciate your efforts and look forward to being with you! Please email [email protected] for more specific information if you are interested and/or planning on coming as we only have a few rooms still available at the Center. There is also plenty of space to camp and we can help you with gear if you need it. JUNE 19th-23rd SUMMER SOLSTICE PLANT WISDOM CEREMONY Rutury recently returned from Mexico where he met with members of his community and Elders and was encouraged to share a very special healing ceremony for the first time. This will be a small group limited to 12 participants. The cost for this workshop is $875 which includes accommodation and meals. All profits from this workshop will go directly to the Wixarika Elders and their communities. Please email [email protected] for more information if you are interested. NOVEMBER 4th-11th TEOTIHUACAN AND WIRIKUTA PILGRIMAGE We are excited to be able to offer this opportunity to do ceremonies in two very special places in Mexico. We will spend the first few days at the Pyramids of the Sun and the Moon and then travel to Real De Catorce where we will explore Cerro Quemado and Wirikuta, the sacred land of the Wixarika people. On the way to and from Real De Catorce we will be staying in the beautiful city of San Miguel De Allende. If you are interested please let us know and we will be in touch with you to tell you more about this journey. This workshop will be limited to 10 participants. The cost is $2,100 which includes accommodations and transportation within Mexico. You are responsible for your own round trip flight to Mexico City. All profits from this workshop will go directly to the Wixarika Elders and their communities. OUR NOVEMBER WORKSHOP IS FULLY BOOKED AND WE DO HAVE A WAITING LIST SO PLEASE LET US KNOW IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO BE PUT ON THE LIST. You can email [email protected] for more information or if you have any questions. Miscellaneous Notes Any communications from Indios Huichol will be from Rutury, Anaya or Nahwi. If you receive communications from someone else claiming to be Indios Huichol or assisting Indios Huichol please contact us as soon as possible Notice Regarding E-mail Addresses: Please be aware Indios Huichol Inc. considers your e-mail addresses to be private. Please be assured that we will not sell or share your information. We also want you to understand that all personal emails to Rutury are forwarded to him. Indios Huichol Inc. Facebook Our Facebook page is up and running! Please take a look and let us know if you have any suggestions. Mailing address
Indios Huichol Inc. 2315 N Page Springs Rd Cornville, AZ 86325
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April 2019