Greetings Every One! The work we are doing could not continue without you. We are very grateful for your support and help. Every single prayer and donation is appreciated more than you can know. Thank you so very much for your support. Newsletter index: Page 1: Note from Rutury Page 2: Note from Nahwi Page 3: Upcoming Events Page 3: Misc notes A note from Rutury:. Que Tuma Aku. Greetings Dear Friends... Tatewari, Grandfather Spirit. We open our hearts to your healing which brings us wisdom and knowledge from all corners of the Universe. Before moving to Wirikuta Springs I lived in Phoenix with my sister Jaichima where she owned a house in the north part of the city. In the early 80s we started to build in her back yard a Shrine called a Tuki made of adobe and stones, a sacred place to pray and meditate. Seven years later it was completed by Ulutemay and my mother, and that night we all stayed up chanting and praying. It was a tender time as we synchronized the front door of the Tuki with the stars above us, and the floor, roof, walls, and four corners had to be aligned with the four elements. In the Wixarika culture a Tuki is not only a shelter and a place to pray, it is the link or the hub that keeps everything functioning and connected from the ancient to the modern times. A change came when my sister passed away and I had to vacate her house due to extreme pressure by her kids. Dismantling a sacred Tuki has never been done in our Wixarika culture, but with the guidance of the Elders of my tribe I started to take it apart piece by piece and layer by layer. It took a few weeks until I got to the last adobe piece and it was time to prepare for the last fire ceremony at Jaichima’s house. I stayed vigilant all night chanting and praying until sunrise, and in a delicate way I gathered the ashes of the fire ceremony and saved it to be spread all over the land of Wirikuta Springs. When the moment arrived for my departure it became difficult to say goodbye to that house on Paradise Drive. Vivid memories of my father and Jaichima doing ceremonies in the sacred Tuki poured through me. Luckily I had the help of friends; people who felt like a family to me were there to help unconditionally as they understood my delicate situation. My sincerest gratitude goes out to each one of them. Now I live at Wirikuta Springs, the land that came in a dream to my father Hakaula, when he and Jaichima were on a vision quest in the Sedona area in the early 70s. Since I arrived to this land there is not a day or night that goes by without my ceremonies. I am on a spiritual journey as I walk the land listening and looking for any clue or sign that would lead me to where the sacred Tuki will have its new home. Many of you know that Wirikuta Springs has special spots, like the spiral, the sanctuary path, the ponds, the fire circle, the sound of spring water and the Spirit Tree. Speaking of the Spirit Tree, a few nights ago I was doing a ceremony under the tree, it was late night around 10pm and it was windy because I kept relighting my candle over and over and I was getting annoyed. All of sudden I felt something behind my back like animals with four legs, immediately I wanted to turn and see what kind of animals were there but something told me not to, so I continued to light my candle and pray. In the midst of this I could hear they were sniffing and sneezing. I sensed there were about 5 or 6 of them. Was that real? Was it my imagination? Could it have been spirits of animals? Whatever they were I am happy they came to take care of something on the land, to honor the moment with their presence. PamPaDios Looking forward to our next ceremony Love and Blessings A note from Nahwi: Holding on to our garbage With all the books, lectures and seminars on the power of positive thinking I see more and more people stuffing their anger, disdain, pain, hurt and any generally considered bad/negative feelings inside themselves. I have found myself it doing more than I want to admit. When we hold these things inside ourselves and pretend that they don’t exist they never go away…they fester like an infection and at some point in time they will come out with little warning. For me, that is a flash of anger so intense that it scares me…because I pretend I am a calm controlled fun loving person, and I have pretended that so well I started to believe it. I know I am not alone with this, it may not be anger you experience it could be sadness, depression or something else. Jaichima use to tell me (and many others) that I was saving my queeta so I could use it later. What she meant by the term “queeta” is crap… and she felt I was tucking it away with all my other old crap in my life to use as one would use as a rock in a fight…I had forgotten that until recently when I had a flash point with my anger and was yelling about some stupid thing in the house that was not where is should be. I turned and saw Chica (my dog) cowering…this innocent sweet soul that loves me no matter what was being traumatized, by me. I was stuffing my crap back inside of myself because I was too “busy” to take the time to experience my feelings, be they good or bad, and I exploded. Now Chica was suffering because I wasn’t taking the time to do my work on myself & I was suffering because I wasn’t taking the time to do my work on myself. By allowing myself to observe my feelings as they drift in me and not locking on to them helps, and if I find one to be demanding my attention more aggressively I have been going back to what Jaichima and Rutury did with workshop participants…the “arrows”. We would hunt emotions and when our arrow hit an emotion we would spend time thinking, mediating and examining both the positive part of that emotion and the negative part of it. By “knowing” the full emotion we experience…there was no reason to hide any of it inside of us. The emotions become something we have no reason to be embarrassed about, ashamed of, or alarmed about. It simply moves though us, we don’t need to react, we don’t need to attach…just acknowledge what it actually is…the full emotion! And yes, I have apologized to Chica and we had a good cuddle, and I am back on track with my personal work on myself. PamPaDios Nahwi Upcoming Events: August 20-28, 2018 Rutury will be a part of the Wisdom Keepers of the Earth and Earth Constellations. This is immersion training on healing wisdom with Ron Young along with Pefemapeo Virginia Bordereau, Rhonda Pallas Downy, Phyllis Hogan, Dr. Hammed Ibraheem, Christina Niederkofler, & Ernie Northrop. If you are interested send a note to [email protected] and she will email you a PDF about Ron Young’s event. Miscellaneous Notes Any communications from Indios Huichol will be from Rutury, Anaya or Nahwi. If you receive communications from someone else claiming to be Indios Huichol or assisting Indios Huichol please contact us as soon as possible. Communications from Nahwi will be from: [email protected] Notice Regarding E-mail Addresses: Please be aware Indios Huichol Inc. considers your e-mail addresses to be private. Please be assured that we will not sell or share your information. We also want you to understand that all personal emails to Rutury are forwarded to him. Indios Huichol Inc. Facebook Our Facebook page is up and running! Please take a look and let us know if you have any suggestions. Website Please check it out at: The store is open for business as well. Please be aware items are shipped to one address and they are going USPS. We’re not charging for shipping at this time. All profits go to support the Wixarika (Huichol) people. Mailing address Indios Huichol Inc.
2315 N Page Springs Rd Cornville, AZ 86325
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April 2019