Greetings Every One! The work we are doing could not continue without you. We are very grateful for your support and help. Every single prayer and donation is appreciated more than you can know. Thank you so very much for your support. A note from Rutury: Que Tuma Aku. Greetings Dear Friends, Tatewari, Grandfather Spirit. We open our hearts to your healing which brings us wisdom and knowledge from all corners of the Universe. Autumn Equinox has arrived, you can feel it in the air and more so when you take a walk in nature or meditate in the stillness of the moment. Truly this time of year is a great gift from nature to all of us as the human tribe and we are blessed to experience what happens in the cycles of seasons in our world. In my Wixarika culture we appreciate the changes of seasons and we honor the transformation. It can be magical and mesmerizing when we allow ourselves to be and feel one with Nature. With every change of season we are given the opportunity to make adjustments in ourselves and in our lives, with the understanding that before things can manifest we must make room in ourselves for new beginnings to take root and create new designs. How do we make room or prepare ourselves for new beginnings? For the Wixarika people our ceremonies are essential for moving into new beginnings. It is important to remember that once a commitment is made for any kind of healing, nothing may be immediately clear or easy. The journey of healing is sometimes hard and long, often making you feel that nothing is working. At the end of every cycle and with every step you make, it’s good to be reminded that the efforts you make will encourage you to step out of the same nest with the same cobwebs that may have trapped you for many years. We also believe that our ceremonies and rituals support our Environment and at the same time help our community to live more balanced lives, and above all be in harmony with one another and our Earth. On another note, at the end of this month and in the beginning of November I encourage you to take a moment and light a candle in honor of your loved ones and your ancestors to celebrate Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead). Whatever day you choose make it a joyful day to remember your loved ones, as they have walked the trails before us so we could have the life we live now. It’s important to remember that honoring them does not mean that you forgive them if they have mistreated you. Hopefully you have learned from their mistakes and will not carry on the legacy of their bad behavior, while appreciating the gifts that you were also given from your family and friends. I honor my family and my ancestors for their commitment to be in my prayers and ceremonies. I hear and sense them quite often, especially in my moments of solitude. My father and sister used to say that when tears make their way through our eyes is not because we are sad, it is because our souls need to refresh themselves to see and think more clearly. I will share with all of you a picture of my father Hakaula and my sister Jaichima, bless their souls. And this is me 30 years ago in front of the Tuki, our sacred shrine PamPaDios Looking forward to our next ceremony Love and Blessings Rutury A note from Anaya: Many thanks to our dear friend Mark Wagner for gracing our walls with his beautiful artwork. A note from Nahwi: I have been doing a lot of knitting on prayer scarves. These are scarves with prayers in certain stitches. The current ones have to do with trusting the Truth our Knowing. That conviction deep in your being that has no attachments to it…no facts, no statistics, no research…just that “gut “knowing what is. I see that as my soul talking to me and I have to remind myself to pay attention because it is always right. These scarves are physical prayers to remind me of this. I came across this quote the other day and it simply confirms it all to me. “There is in you something that waits and listens for the sound of the genuine in yourself. It is the only true guide you will ever have.” Howard Thurman Miscellaneous Notes Any communications from Indios Huichol will be from Rutury, Anaya or Nahwi. If you receive communications from someone else claiming to be Indios Huichol or assisting Indios Huichol please contact us as soon as possible. Communications from Nahwi will be from: [email protected] Notice Regarding E-mail Addresses: Please be aware Indios Huichol Inc. considers your e-mail addresses to be private. Please be assured that we will not sell or share your information. We also want you to understand that all personal emails to Rutury are forwarded to him. Indios Huichol Inc. Facebook Our Facebook page is up and running! Please take a look and let us know if you have any suggestions. Website Please check it out at: The store is open for business as well. Please be aware items are shipped to one address and they are going USPS. We’re not charging for shipping at this time. All profits go to support the Wixarika (Huichol) people. Mailing address
Indios Huichol Inc. 2315 N Page Springs Rd Cornville, AZ 86325
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April 2019